FIAP Jean-Monnet

April 14-17














































A publication of the papers that are presented during a colloquium is always a plus.
Although not initially planned we have decided to publish the best papers in a Proceedings volume that will be made electronically.

How will it work?

If you want to publish your paper, you will be asked to submit it to our Editorial Board. Submission must be made as Word (please use the 97-2004 ".doc" "compatible" version) or pdf files (no PowerPoint files!). They will be reviewed by a committee which will include:

If your submission is accepted, either as it is or with some improvements, we will ask you to send your basic material to Thierry Depaulis (thierry.depaulis AT free.fr). You will be required to send separate files: a Word file for the text (text only - no pictures included!), picture files (either tif, eps or jpg) for the illustrations, Excel files for tables, graphs, etc.

We will lay out all articles as if they were to be printed, and proofs will be sent to authors for proofreading. Once everything is corrected, the whole thing will be made as a series of pdf files: one for the whole plus separate files for each article. These will be burnt on a CD, which will be titled "Board Games Investigated: Proceedings of the 13th Board Game Studies Colloquium, Paris, 14-17 April, 2010" (provisional title).

If all accepted papers come in due time we think the Proceedings can be ready by early 2011.

All speakers, even if they are not in the Proceedings, will receive a free copy of the CD.
The CD will be offered for sale at a cost of €10, mail included. It will be advertised on our website and payment by PayPal will be possible.