FIAP Jean-Monnet

April 14-17














































The 13th Board Game Studies Colloquium will be held in Paris, from Wednesday 14th to Saturday 17th April, 2010.
The Colloquium will be hosted at the FIAP Jean-Monnet Centre, a large convention and hostel centre situated in the 14th arrondissement of Paris.

Some 37 papers will be presented during these four days, dealing with archaeology, mathematics, history, board game design, anthropology, computer science, education, art history, cognitive psychology, and game theory (see Programme). Speakers come from various continents - America, Asia, Europe - and participants, from all over the world.
Visits of Le Louvre (Oriental Antiquities Department) and the Bibliothèque nationale de France (Cabinet des Médailles) are planned on Friday 16 April, afternoon.
A Colloquium dinner will take place on Friday night at the “Au Moulin Vert” restaurant near the FIAP Jean-Monnet Centre.

Main language is English, but French will be preferred by some, although we cannnot offer simultaneous translation. Proceedings - in fact a booklet with detailed summaries in French and English - will be distributed to all participants so that they can at least have a glimpse at what is being told. Many polyglot people will be with us and will help.

Mikes, a laptop and a video-projector will be available in the conference room. Papers, not longer than 25 minutes, will be grouped in thematic sessions, and there will be a discussion at the end of each session.

Entrance is not free. If you are interested and want to attend at least one day, please see our Prices & Conditions page. You must book in advance, even for a few hours. (See Booking.)

An after-Colloquium Proceedings volume is planned. Speakers will be invited to submit their papers. This will be published electronically (as a CD-Rom). See Proceedings.

Any question? Please ask Thierry Depaulis: thierry.depaulis (at) free.fr


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